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Vestry Records 1843-1862

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Sancreed Parish Vestries 1843 - 1862

Vestry August 7th 1843

At a vestry held this day for making a Rate to meet the expenses of conveying a Piece of Ground to be used as a New Burial-ground, and recently presented to the Parish by the Reverend the Vicar for that purpose, and of enclosing the aforesaid piece of ground, and rendering it fit for internment.

The Reverend Comyn being in the chair it was moved by Mr Marrack and seconded by John Toman that a rate of four pence in the pound be granted to the church wardens for the purposes above stated, that is to defray the expenses of the New Burial Ground which passed unanimously.


Revd Comyn

Philip Marrack

John Toman

Tom Grenfell


Vestry February 19th 1844

At a vestry held this day, the special surveyor's monthly accounts were seen and allowed.

Resolved that the overseers call on John Ellis and also on John Hosken for the purpose of inquiring of them whether they intend to repay all, or any part of the money advanced to them by the Parish in time of sickness. And the overseers are also requested to inform them that they will be willing to receive it by weekly or monthly instalments as may be most convenient to them.

Philip Marrack Chairman


Vestry March 2nd 1844

At a vestry held on this day for the purpose of making out a list of persons residing in the Parish of Sancreed to serve as Constables for the year ensuing. The following persons were then named



Henry Sampson

James Rowe

We, the undersigned recommend the above, as fit and proper persons to serve as Constables for the year ensuing.

Humphrey Pascoe Chairman

Vestry March 16 th 1844

At a vestry held at the vestry room on Saturday the 16 day of March 1844, at 6 o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of considering the proposal of giving each of the above named Constables a small salary in Lieu of all other payments from the Parish.

Resolved that a Salary of Fifteen Shillings a year be given to each of the said Constables in addition to the fees which they may obtain from Persons on whom they serve summonses. And the said Constables are hereby given to understand that they will receive no other fee or allowance whatever from the Parish in the performance of their duty as Constables except in cases where it shall be absolutely necessary to keep persons for some time in custody, and where the expenses of which are not allowed by the County.

At this vestry the following persons were nominated for Assessors for the year ensuing (viz:

Benjamin Carvosso

Thomas Bone

James Hosken

Philip Nicholas

Richard Harvey

Henry Nankervis

Richard Grenfell

John Rowe

Resolved, that the General Annual Meeting be held at the vestry-room on Monday the 25th day of March instant at 11 o'clock in the forenoon.

Humphrey Pascoe Chairman


March 25th 1844


We the undersigned do hereby consent and agree to perform all the duties of Constables for the Parish of Sancreed for the year ending Ladyday 1845 for the salary of fifteen shillings for the year each: except in particular cases where persons are to be kept in custody for any length of time, and where the expenses of which are not allowed by the County.

Witness out hands this day of



Annual Vestry

At the Annual Vestry held at the Vestry-room on Monday the 25th day of March 1844 at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the following persons were nominated to serve the office of Overseers of the Poor and Surveyors of the Highways for the year ensuing




Mr Christopher Dennis

Mr Philip Marrack

Mr John Leggo

Mr William Oates

Mr Uter Bosence

Mr William Rowe

Benjamin Carvosso Assistant Overseer

Surveyors of the Highways



Mr Uter Bosence

Mr Humphry Pascoe


Resolved that notice be given on Sunday next for the appointment of a Special Surveyor of the Highways on Easter Monday the 8th day of April next.

That the Overseers bring their Receipt and Payment Book at the Vestry-room on the first Saturday after it has passed the Auditor, to be examined by the Ratepayers, if they think proper so to do.

That Benjamin Rowe's house at Tregerrast be rated at 30/- instead of 3pounds.

That the house of Henry Hutchens junior be rated at 30/-.

And that Capt Dick Oats's two houses on Brane Common be rated at one pound each.

Humphrey Pascoe Chairman

Vestry April 27th 1844

At a vestry held this day at the Vestry-room, for the purpose of nominating a Constable, whose salary is fixed at Fifteen Shillings a year. The following were the candidates for the office (viz)

James Hosken of Sellan

William Boyens of Buswarthen

William Jilbard of Trerice

Thomas Harvey of Trannack

James Eddy of Grumbler

John Ladner of Chapel Place

John Davey of Trerice

Mr Uter Bosence then proposed James Hosken of Sellan, as a fit and proper person to fill the said office of Constable for the present year, which was seconded by Mr Philip Marrack, and carried unanimously.

The churchwardens disbursements were also seen, approved of and allowed.


Humphrey Pascoe Chairman


Vestry July 15th 1844

At a vestry held this day for the purpose of making a Church Rate due notice of which having been previously given.

The Rev H Comyn in the Chair. A Rate of 3½ d in the pound was then propose by Mr P Marrack which was seconded by Humphry Pascoe Esq, and carried unanimously.

Rev H Comyn

Philip Marrack

Humphry Pascoe

William Williams



Vestry July 27th 1844

At a vestry held this day the carting of 200 loads of stone from Tregerrast to the North road was let to Henry Nankervis for, and after the rate of 3¼ d per cubic yard per mile. And also an unknown quantity of Rab was let to Thomas Harvey of Trannack to be carted from Trig the Wheel Hill to New Bridge after the rate of 2/5 for score loads, each load to contain 9 barrows.


Philip Marrack Chairman



Henry Nankervis

Benjamin Carvosso

Thomas Harvey



Vestry August 3rd 1844

At this Vestry the Waywardens monthly account was seen and allowed and the breaking of 100 loads of rab was Let to William Clemons, for and after the rate of 2¼ d for loads. The said William Clemons is not to be allowed any remuneration for removing the Earth or any other obstruction which may be the means of hindering him from getting at the rab.

Philip Marrack Chairman



Vestry November 8th 1844

At a Vestry held on the 8th day of November 1844, for the purpose of ex-amining into the state of the Church.

The Reverend the Vicar in the Chair thought it his duty to exhort the parishioners to tye the walls together in such way as might prevent the further spreading of the Roof, but the general sense of the meeting that such an expense is at present unnecessary.

The Reverend the Vicar then asked have to build a Gallery on the North Western end of the Church for the use of the Boys belonging to the schools at our expense

When leave was given without a dissentent voice

H Comyn

Uter Bosence


Richard Permewan

} Churchwardens

Humphry Pascoe

Philip Marrack

William Trembath

William Rawlings

John Wallis

Solomon Grose

Richard Gartrell

Samuel Ivey

Gabriel Hosken

Thomas Bone

William Stevens


Vestry Dec 7th 1844

At this Vestry the Waywardens monthly accounts were seen and allowed.

Mr Richard Permewan then moved that an additional sum of 5 £ be given in by the Parish out of the Highway Rates, towards defraying the Expenses of rebuilding New Bridge, which was seconded by John Toman. On which a division took place, when there appeared

For the motion

Against the motion



Mr Richard Permewan

- 6

Mr H Pascoe

- 4

Mr H Nankervis

- 2

Mr P Marrack

- 4

Mr J Toman

- 1

Mr U Bosence

- 2



Majority against the motion

Philip Marrack Chairman

Vestry January 25th 1845

Resolved, in consequence of a communication from the Vestry of Redruth respecting the unequal rating of the Parishes of this part of the County as compared with those of the Eastern part in the County. Rates, that Mr Pascoe should proceed to Redruth as our Representative, to consult with them in order if possible to get rid of this further.

H Comyn


Vestry March 1st 1845

At a Vestry held at the Vestry-room on the first day of March 1845 for the purpose of nominating two fit and proper persons to serve the office of Constables with a Salary for the year ensuing: the following persons were then named.

James Hosken


Richard Grose



We the undersigned assembled in Vestry do recommend the above as fit and proper persons to serve as Constables, that their Salary will be fixed at Fifteen Shillings a year each, and that no other fee or allowance be paid to them by the Parish in the performance of their duty as Constables, except in particular cases, where it shall be necessary to keep persons for some time in Custody, and where the expenses of such keeping are not allowed by the County.

The Waywardens accounts were seen and allowed, and the day for holding the Annual Meeting was fixed for Easter Monday, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon.

H Comyn


Richard Permewan

} Churchwardens

Uter Bosence

} Churchwardens

Philip Marrack

} Overseers


Vestry March 17th 1845

At a Vestry held on this day for making a list of fit and proper persons to fill the office of Assessors for the year ensuing, the following persons were then named (viz).

Benjamin Carvosso

Thomas Bone

Richard Gartrell

Philip Nicholas

Henry Nankervis

Richard Harvey

Richard Grenfell

Benjamin Rowe

Uter Bosence

} Ch Wardens

Richard Permewan


Philip Marrack


} Overseers


At the annual vestry held at the vestry room on Easter Monday the 24th day of March 1845 at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the Way-wardens accounts were seen and allowed and the following nominated to the office of Churchwardens, Overseers of the poor, and Surveyor of the Highways for the year ensuing. viz.




Mr Uter Bosence

Mr Richard Permewan



Mr John Leggo

Mr William Oats

Mr William V Ellis

William Rowe

Mr Thomas Trembath

Mr Justus Ellis


Surveyors of the Highways

Mr Samuel Harvey

Mr Richard Permewan

John Toman, Special Surveyor at a salary of 20£


Highway Committee

Humphrey Pascoe Esq

Mr Uter Bosence


Reverend H Comyn Chairman


Vestry May 3rd 1845

To Let the Carting of the materials for making and repairing the Highways for the present year.

Mr Bosence in the chair

100 loads from Trewellard Bal to Dry Carne, was let to Thomas Harvey for 2¼ d a load.

300 loads from Balliswidden to the North road was let to Thomas Harvey for 2¼ d a load.

300 loads from Tregerrast to North road was let to William Stevens for 2½ d a load.

100 loads from Rose-Moor to Trig Wheel Hill was let to Christopher Dennis for 3½ d a load.

300 load from Drift Moor to Landsend and Church Town roads was let to Mr Dennis for 3½ d a load.

100 load from Trerise to Trevorian Moor on Church Town road was let to Mr Dennis at 3d a load.

Uter Bosence Chairman



Vestry July 19th 1845

At a Vestry held this day at the Vestry Room, for the purpose of making a Church Rate to meet the current expenses of the year, due notice of which having been previously given.

Mr Samuel Harvey in the Chair

At a rate of 3½ in the pound was then proposed by Mr Pascoe and seconded by Mr Bernard Victor, and carried unanimously.

Mr H Pascoe then proposed that the Singers’ salary be discontinued from the present time, which was seconded by Mr Victor and carried by a majority of two.

Samuel Harvey (Chairman)

Humphry Pascoe

Bernard Victor



Vestry September 20th 1845

At a Vestry held this day at the vestry-room for the purpose of considering the propriety of altering the position of, and for making some improvement in the construction of Trerice Bridge.

Mr Uter Bosence in the Chair

It was then proposed by Mr Richard Permewan, seconded by Mr Victor and agreed to unanimously that the said Bridge at Trerice should be removed and altered to the best advantage, and with the least possible expense.

Uter Bosence

Bernard Victor

Richard Permewan

John Grenfell

Thomas Grenfell

John Toman


Vestry November 29th 1845

At a Vestry held this day, the Waywardens monthly accounts were seen and allowed and a Rate for the Repairs of the Highways of 6 pence in the pound was ordered to be made.

Philip Marrack

Uter Bosence

Vestry January 3rd 1846

At a Vestry held this day at the Vestry-room, the Waywardens monthly accounts were seen and allowed,

Resolved that Mr Richard Permewan be paid the sum of 390£ on the 25th day of March 1846, the same being, a mortgage on the Parish Estate called Enistreven and that the like sum be borrowed of Mr John Leggo of Newbridge at 4 percent per annum.

Philip Marrack (Chairman)


Vestry February 14th 1846

At a Vestry held this day at the Vestry-room, James Hoskin of Sellan and Richard Grose of Newbridge, were nominated as fit and proper persons to serve the Office of Constables with a Salary, for the year ensuing.

We, the undersigned assembled in Vestry do recommend the above as fit and proper persons to serve as Constables; that their salary be fixed at fifteen shillings a year each, and that no other fee or allowance be paid to them by the Parish in the performance of their duty as Constables; except in particular cases, where it shall be necessary to keep persons for some time in custody, and where the expense of such keeping is not allowed by the County. This resolution is supported to stand good every year.

We also recommend John Ladner as a fit person for a Special Constable in the Church Town.

Resolved that Mr Richard Permewan be paid the sum of 390£ on the 25th day of March 1846, the same being a mortgage on the Parish Estate called Enestreven and that the like sum be borrowed of Mr Philip Marrack of Tregonebris at 4½ percent per annum.

Uter Bosence Chairman

Henry Nankervis


Vestry March 7th 1846

At this Vestry the Waywardens monthly accounts were seen and allowed and the annual meeting was fixed for Friday the 27th instant at 11 o’clock in the forenoon.

Uter Bosence (Chairman)


Vestry March 25th 1846

At a Vestry held on this day for making a list of 8 fit and proper persons to serve the office of Assessors for the year ensuing the following were nominated.

Philip Nicholas

George Grenfell

Richard Harvey

Thomas Harvey (Anjarden)

Benjamin Rowe

Richard Grenfell

Robert Rodda

Eli Trewern



Annual Vestry

At the Annual Vestry held at the Vestry-room on Friday the 27th of March 1846, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the Waywardens’ accounts were seen and allowed, and the following persons were nominated to serve the office of Overseers of the Poor, and Surveyors of the Highways, for the year ensuing




Mr B Victor

Mr W Rowe

Mr W V Ellis

Mr Justus Ellis

Mr J Trembarth

Mr Job Grose


Surveyors of the Highways

Mr W V Ellis

Mr P Marrack

John Toman Special Surveyor at a Salary, 20£

Highway Committee

Mr W V Ellis

Mr P Marrack


H Comyn Chairman

Vestry continued

We the undersigned being the majority of the parishioners assembled in Vestry on the 27th day of March 1846, do resolve that the present Churchwardens and Overseers be empowered to give security to Mr Philip Marrack of Tregonebris in the Parish of Sancreed for the sum of 440£ borrowed of him for the use, and on the credit of the aforesaid Parish of Sancreed on the 25th day of March 1846 and that they also be empowered to pay the interest on the same out of the poor rates. And that the deeds of Enestrevan be deposited with Mr Marrack, as a further security.

Reverend H Comyn Chairman

Humphry Pascoe

Uter Bosence

James Harvey

Richard Harvey

John Jelbert

Richard Permewan

Bernard Victor

William Oats




Election of Churchwardens April 13th 1846

The Reverend Henry Comyn in the Chair.

At a public Vestry held at the Vestry-room on Monday the 13th day of April 1846, at 6 o’clock in the evening. Due notice of which having been previously given. the following persons were chosen and appointed to serve the office of Churchwarden for the parish of Sancreed for the year ensuing. viz

Mr William Oats (Brahane) Vicar’s Churchwarden

Mr Permewan Parish Churchwarden

Resolved that the singers be allowed for their last years services the sum of 2£.10/-

Reverend H Comyn


April 29th 1846

At a public Vestry held at the Vestry-room on Wednesday the 29th day of April 1846 for the purpose of taking into consideration the state of Mary Rowe and her family.

Mr P Marrack in the chair


That the parish officers be requested to visit the said Mary Rowe and make every necessary inquiry into her state and condition and make a report of the same to the vestry on Saturday next the 2nd day of May at 7 o’clock in the evening.

Philip Marrack


At a vestry held on Monday the 8th of June 1846, to consider the propriety of paying Mr Harvey’s demand on the Parish for his Bill for giving his opinion on the repair necessary to (unclear) in the Church in May 1842. The vicar, who called the meeting advises the Parish not to object themselves to be brought into a court of law for this (unclear)

It is moved by Mr G Scobell and seconded by Mr Bosence that as the Bills of which Mr Harvey had demanded payment cannot be put into the present accounts it is recommended that it be placed in the ensuing accounts, on the calling of the new Rate for which another vestry will be called when the subject may be further discussed.

Reverend H Comyn




Vestry June 20th 1846

To let the carting of the materials for making and replacing the Highways for the present year.

From 50 to 60 loads from Boscaswell to Drycarn was let to Christopher Dennis for 4½ d per load.

250 loads from Balliswidden to the North road was let to Thomas Harvey for 3¼ d per load

55 loads from the Rose Moor to Trig the Wheel Hill was let to Christopher Dennis for 6d per load

300 loads from Drift Moor to the Landsend road was let to Mr Permewan for 4¾d per load

100 loads from Trevorian Moor to Church town road and Landsend road was let to Mr Permewan for 4½d per load

Uter Bosence (Chairman)


Vestry July 4th 1846

At a Vestry held this day at the Vestry room for the purpose of making a church rate to defray the current expenses of the year, and also to consider the propriety of discharging Mr Harvey’s bill for plans and specifications respecting certain repairs to be done to the church.

Reverend H Comyn in the Chair

The payment of Mr Harvey’s bill was refused by a large majority of the rate payers and a Rate of 3 in the pound was then proposed by Mr Scobell, seconded by Mr P Marrack and carried unanimously.

Reverend H Comyn

Philip Marrack

John Grenfell

Richard Gartrell

Bernard Victor

Samuel Ivey

Thomas Warren

John Dennis


Vestry February 20th 1847

At a Vestry held this, to consider of the best method of relieving the great distress under which the poor are now labouring this the high price of provisions, the lowness of wages and their want of steady work,

It was proposed by Col Scobell that a subscription be entered into for the purpose of rendering (unclear) to the able bodied men with large families that do not come under the assistance of the parish and seconded by Mr Pascoe.




John Scobell Esq




Humphry Pascoe Esq




Mr Permewan



Mr Marrack


Mr Uter Bosence


Mr Neckervis ((crossed through))


Mr Victor


John Toman ((crossed through))


Rev H Comyn


Mrs Comyn






Resolved that the above subscribers and all others to the amounts of a pound be considered as members of the Committee.

And Mr Pascoe be requested to be Treasurer and further that Messers Permewan and Marrack undertake to take charge of Southern District and Messers Pascoe, Victor and Bosence of the Northern - also that these gentleman be requested to solicit subscriptions

Lastly that the meeting be adjourned to Thursday fortnight



Vestry February 20th 1847

At a Vestry held at the Vestry-room on Saturday 20th day of February 1847, for the purpose of making out a list of eight persons residing within this Parish, who are liable and qualified to serve as Constables for the year ensuing. The following persons were then named.



John Waters

Eli Trewarn

Peter James

James Mitchell

John Roberts

Richard Trewarn

Henry Warren

Henry Hutchens Jun


Richard Grose and Peter Wellington as two paid constables with a salary of 15/- a year each, whom we recommend as fit and proper persons to serve the said office of constables for the year ensuing.

Philip Marrack



Vestry March 6th 1847

At a meeting of the relief committee held on Saturday the 6th day of March 1847, for the purpose of receiving the report of the visiting committee.

The Reverend Henry Comyn in the chair.


Vestry March 20th 1847

At a Vestry held at the Vestry-room on Saturday the 20th day of March 1847, for the purpose of making out a list of eight persons to serve the office of Assessor for the year ensuing, the following persons were then nominated.

Philip Nicholas

George Grenfell

Richard Harvey

Thomas Harvey (Anjarden)

Benjamin Rowe

Richard Grenfell

Robert Rodda

Eli Trewarn


Reverend H Comyn - Chairman



Annual Meeting

April 5th 1847

At the Annual Meeting held at the Vestry-room on Easter Monday, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon. the Waywardens’ accounts were seen and allowed and the following persons were nominated to serve the office of Churchwardens, Overseers of the Poor, and Surveyors of the Highways for the year ensuing.


Mr Philip Marrack

Mr Richard Permewan





Humphry Pascoe Esq

Mr William Rawlings

Mr William V Ellis

Mr Solomon Grose

Mr Cyprian Nicholls

Mr Thomas Hall


Surveyors of the Highways

Mr Bernard Victor

Mr Richard Permewan

and John Toman Special Surveyor

Resolved that a vestry be held on Saturday the 17th inst at the Vestry-room at 6 o’clock in the evening for the purpose of equalizing the rates.

Bernard Victor (Chairman)


Vestry May 11th 1847

At a vestry held this day to let the carting of the materials for the repairs of the Highways of the Parish of Sancreed for the present year.

650 loads of stones were let to Thomas Harvey for 4 pence per load per mile, to be carted on the North Road.

300 loads of stones were let to Henry Nankervis for 5½ d per load per mile to be carted on the south roads.

300 loads of stone were let to Henry Nankervis

Philip Marrack (Chairman)



Vestry June 5th 1847

At a Vestry held this day to consider the propriety of advancing a sum of money out of the Highway Rates, to cut down and improve Peljew Hill.

Reverend Henry Comyn in the chair

Resolved that the sum of 30£ be advanced out of the Highway Rates, for the purposes mentioned above namely that of cutting down and improving Peljew Hill, and for widening the road which lies adjacent to it.

Reverend H Comyn



Vestry June 18th 1847


At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Friday the 18th day of June 1847, for the purpose of making a rate for the repairs of the Church and for defraying the necessary expenses of conducting Divine Worship therein.

The Reverend H Comyn in the Chair.

An estimate of the expenditure for the current year was then produced by the Churchwardens; and read by the Chairman to the ratepayers assembled in Vestry.

After which a rate of 2½ in the pound was proposed by Mr Bosence, seconded by Mr John Toman, and carried unanimously.

Reverend H Comyn, Vicar

Uter Bosence

John Toman


At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Wednesday 14th July 1847, to consider of and give notice to, the Person whose tender may be accepted for the Parish Estate called Enestreven. The tender being as follows.


Thomas Grenfell




John Toman




Richard Lavers




Hosea Roberts




Simon Hocken




James Oats




John Grenfell





The tender of John Toman was then accepted, under the following conditions (viz).

That the said John Toman is to pay to the Churchwardens or Overseers for the time being the sum of 25£ per year, and for every year, during the term of 7 years, for the said Estate called Enestreven, by equal quarterly payments, on the usual quarter days for payment of rents, the first payment to be made on Christmas day next ensuing. That the said John Toman pay all rates and taxes and all other legal demands to which a tenant is liable, except the conventionary rents and that he be bound to manage the said Estate according to the Rules of good husbandry.

Uter Bosence


I hereby agree to, and will abide by, the conditions specified above.


Benjamin Carvossa John Toman

Vestry February 26th 1848

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 26th day of February 1848 for the purpose of making out a List of six persons residing within this Parish, who are liable and qualified to serve as Constables for the year ensuing.

The following were then named (viz)



John Roberts

Eli Trewarn

Henry Sampson

James Mitchell

Thomas Bone

Richard Trewarn

And Peter Wellington of Chapel Place, and William Hall of Newbridge as two paid Constables with a salary of 15/- a year each, whom we recommend as fit and proper persons to serve the said office, for the year ensuing.

Philip Marrack (Chairman)


Vestry March 18th 1848

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 18th day of March 1848, the undernamed persons were nominated to serve the office of Assessors for the year ensuing (viz)

Philip Nicholas

George Grenfell

Richard Harvey

Thomas Harvey (Anjarden)

Benjamin Rowe

Richard Grenfell

Robert Rodda

Eli Trewarn


Richard Permewan Chairman



Annual Vestry

At the Annual Vestry held at the vestry-room on Friday the 24th day of March 1848 at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the Waywardens accounts were seen and allowed and the following persons nominated to serve the office of Overseers of the Poor, and Surveyors of the Highways for the year ensuing.




Mr Cyprian Nicholls

Mr William Rawlings

Mr William V Ellis

Mr Thomas Hall

Mr Thomas Trembath

Mr Thomas Friggens


Surveyors of the Highways

Mr Bernard Victor

Mr Richard Permewan

And John Toman, Special Surveyor at a salary of 20£ per year

Henry Comyn, Vicar



Vestry April 25th 1848

At a Public Vestry held at the vestry-room on Tuesday the 25th day of April 1848, at 6 o’clock in the evening (due notice of which having been previously given). The following persons were chosen and appointed Churchwardens for the Parish of Sancreed for the year ensuing (viz).

Mr Philip Marrack, Vicar’s Churchwarden

Mr Richard Permewan, for the Parish

Reverend H Comyn Chairman

Mr W Veale Ellis

Uter Bosence

Humphry Pascoe



Vestry June 3rd 1848

At a Vestry held this day to Let the Carting of materials for the Repairs of the Highways of the Parish of Sancreed for the present year.

Reverend Henry Comyn in the Chair.

300 loads were then let to Mr Permewan for 3¾d a load to be carted from Balliswidden to the North Road.

200 loads to Thomas Harvey for 4½d a load to be carted from Boscaswell Downs to the North Road.

200 loads to Mr Bosence for 4¾d a load, to be carted from Mr Bosence’s Downs on Trerice Bottom on the Sellan Road.

50 loads to Mr Dennis for 5d a load to be carted from Gear-Brane to the Grumbler Road.

60 loads Richard Grenfell for 6d a load to be carted from Drift Moor to the South Road.


Vestry July 15th 1848

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 15th instant for the purpose of making a Church-rate, for the repairs of the said Church, and also for defraying the necessary expenses of conducting Divine Worship therein.

An estimate of the expenditure for the current year was then produced by the Churchwardens, and read by the Chairman to the Ratepayers assembled in vestry. After which a Rate of 2 in the pound was proposed, seconded and carried unanimously.

Reverend H Comyn, Chairman



Vestry February 24th 1849

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 24th day of February 1849, for the purpose of making out a list of six persons residing within the Parish of Sancreed, who are liable and qualified to serve as Constables for the year ensuing. The following persons were then nominated (viz).

Eli Trewarn

Newham, Salary of 15/- a year

William Hosken

Newbridge, Salary of 15/- a year

Richard Trewarn


John Rowe


James Oats Snr


Thomas Warren



Uter Bosence (Chairman)

Vestry March 21st 1849

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Wednesday the 21st day of March 1849, the following persons were nominated to serve as assessors for the year ensuing (viz)

Philip Nicholas

George Grenfell

Richard Harvey

Thomas Harvey


Benjamin Rowe

Richard Grenfell

Robert Rodda

Eli Trewarn


Humphry Pascoe, Chairman



Annual Vestry

At the Annual Vestry held at the vestry-room on Tuesday the 27th day of March 1849, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the Waywardens accounts were seen and allowed, and the following persons nominated as Overseers of the Poor and Surveyors of the Highways for the year ensuing.




Mr Richard Ivey

Mr Thomas Hall

Mr William V Ellis

Mr John James

Mr Thomas Trembath

Mr Mathew Newton

Surveyors of the Highways

Mr Bernard Victor and Mr Richard Permewan Jun and John Toman Special Surveyor at a salary of 20£ per year.

Reverend H Comyn, Vicar Chairman

Samuel Borlase

Humphry Pascoe

Philip Marrack

Uter Bosence

Richard Ivey

Bernard Victor

Richard Permewan

John Vivian


Easter Monday April 9th 1849

At a Public Vestry held at the vestry-room on Monday the 9th day of April 1849, at 6 o’clock in the evening (due notice of which having been previously given). The undernamed were re-elected Churchwardens for the year ensuing (viz).

Mr Philip Marrack, Vicar’s Churchwarden

Mr Richard Permewan, Parish Churchwarden


Reverend H Comyn, Chairman



Vestry June 16th 1849

At a Vestry held this day the carting of the materials for the repairs of the Highways for the present year was Let as follows: (viz).

From Balleswidden to the North Road 100 loads more or less Mr Charles Dennis at 3½ per load per mile.

From Boscaswell Downs to the North Road 100 loads more or less Richard Grenfell at 4½d per load per mile.

From Gear- Brane to the Grumbler Road 50 loads more or less Thomas Harvey for 5d per load per mile.

From Drift Moor, to the South Road 40 loads more or less Richard Grenfell at 6d per load per mile.

Philip Marrack


Vestry July 21st 1849

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 21st instant for the purpose of making a Church Rate for, and towards the Repairs of the said Church, and also for defraying the necessary expenses of conducting Divine Worship therein.

An estimate of the expenditure for the current year was then produced by the Churchwardens, and read by the Chairman to the Ratepayers assembled in vestry. After which a Rate of 2 in the pound was proposed, seconded and carried unanimously.

John Botheras (Chairman)



Vestry November 16th 1849

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Friday the 16th day of November 1849, at 6 o’clock in the evening, for the purpose of re-appointing the Assistant Overseer; for specifying the duties he has to perform, and also for fixing the amount of security to be given for the proper discharge of such duties.

Resolved that Benjamin Carvasso (Schoolmaster) of the aforesaid Parish of Sancreed be re-appointed Assistant Overseer, and that his salary be fixed at 10£ per year.

That his duties be as follows: (viz). That he enter all Rates made for, and towards the relief and maintenance of the Poor of the said Parish, that he collect the same and that he pay the amount into the Bank when required to do so.

That he be required to give security in the sum of 200£ for the proper discharge of his duties, and that Mr Bernard Victor and Mr Philip Marrack, both of the said Parish be approved of and accepted as his sureties.

Richard Permewan



Vestry February 16th 1850

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 16th day of February 1850 for the purpose of making out a List of six persons residing within the Parish, who are liable and qualified to serve as Constables for the year ensuing. The following were then nominated (viz)

Eli Trewarn

Newham Salary 15/- per year

William Hosken


Richard Trewarn


Benjamin Rowe


James Oats Jun


John Ivey Jun


Phillip Marrack


Vestry March 23rd 1850

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 23rd day of March instant, the following persons were nominated to serve as Assessors for the year ensuing, (viz).

Mr William Veal Ellis

Mr Richard Permewan Jun

Mr Richard Harvey

Mr Thomas Harvey (Anjarden)

Mr Benjamin Rowe

Mr Richard Grenfell

Mr Robert Rodda

Mr John Roberts


Uter Bosence



Annual Vestry 1850

At the Annual Vestry held at the vestry-room on Easter Monday the 1st day of April 1850, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the Waywardens accounts were seen and allowed, and the following persons nominated Churchwardens, Overseers of the Poor and Surveyors of the Highways, for the year ensuing.


Mr Philip Marrack, Vicar’s Churchwarden

Mr Richard Permewan, Parish Churchwarden





Mr Richard Ivey

Mr John James

Mr John Ellis

Mr William Rowe

Mr Thomas Trembath

Mr Thomas Harvey

Surveyors of the Highways

Mr Bernard Victor of Sellan

Mr Richard Permewan Jun of Trenuggo

Resolved that John Toman’s rent on the Parish Estate called Enestreven be reduced to 20£ per year, and that his salary as Waywarden be also reduced to 16£ per year.

That Benjamin Carvasso pay for making up the Books be reduced to £2 - 5 per year.

That the Singers’ Salary be reduced to £2 - 10/- per year, and that the Ringers’ Salary be entirely cut off.

Resolved that Mr Philip Marrack be paid the sum of 440£ as soon as possible, the same being a Mortgage on the Parish Estate at 4½ per cent and that the Churchwardens & Overseers be empowered to borrow the like sum instead thereof.

Reverend Henry Comyn Chairman



Sancreed August 3rd 1850

At a meeting of the owners of Property in this Parish, legally entitled to vote, and of the Rate-payers therein, held at the vestry-room in the said Parish on Saturday the third day of August 1850, pursuant to Notice of such meeting duly given.

Humphry Pascoe Esq Chairman

It was resolved, by a majority of such owners present in person, or by proxy, and of such Rate-payers, at such meeting. That this meeting do consent to the Guardians of the Poor of the Penzance Union selling the Premises described as follows: that is to say - “The interest of the Parish in all that Estate, Tenement and Premises, called or known by the name of Ennistreven, in the Parish of Sancreed comprising three Dwelling Houses, together with a Barn, Stable and Outhouses, and 13 - 1 - 37 of arable and pasture land, and 7 - 0- 15 of Crofts and Wastrell” under the provisions of an Act passed in the sixth year of the reign of His late Majesty King William 4th intitled “An Act to facilitate the conveyance of Workhouses and other property of Parishes and of Corporations or Unions of Parishes in England and Wales,” in such manner and subject to such rules, orders, and regulations touching such sale, the Conveyance of such Property, and the application of the Produce arriving therefrom for the permanent advantage of this Parish as the Poor Law Board shall in that behalf direct.

Reverend H Comyn


Philip Marrack


Richard Permewan

} Churchwardens

John James


Richard Ivey

} Overseers


August 3rd 1850

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 3rd day of August 1850, for the purpose of making a Church Rate, for and towards the Repairs of the Church and also for defraying the necessary expenses of conducting Divine Worship therein.

An estimate of the expenditure for the current year was then produced by the Churchwardens, and read by the Chairman to the Rate-payers assembled in Vestry. After which a Rate of 2d in the pound was proposed, seconded and carried unanimously.

Humphry Pascoe Chairman



Vestry February 26th 1851

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Wednesday the 26th day of February 1851 for the purpose of making out a List of eight persons residing within the Parish, who are liable and qualified to serve as Constables for the year ensuing. The following persons were then nominated (viz)

John Ladner

Churchtown, Salary 15/- per year

James Trembath

Newbridge, ditto

James Quick


James Oats Jun


James North


John Bosence


Thomas Pascoe


William Clemons


Richard Permewan




Annual Vestry - March 25th 1851

At the Annual Vestry held at the vestry-room on Tuesday the 25th day of March 1851 at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the Waywardens’ accounts were seen and allowed, and the following persons nominated Overseers of the poor, Surveyors of the Highways, Assessors and Guardians of the Poor, for the year ensuing, viz.




Mr William Veal Ellis

Mr Humphry Trembath

Mr Thomas Trembath

Mr Thomas Harvey (Anjarden)

Mr John Rowe

Mr William Nicholas

Surveyors of the Highways

Mr Benjamin Rowe of Bodinner

Mr Mathew Mitchell of Tregonebris

Mr John Toman, Special Surveyor at a salary of 20£ per year.


Mr William Rawlings

Mr John Ellis

Mr Richard Harvey (Trannack)

Mr Thomas Harvey (Trannack)

Mr Samuel Ivey

Mr Cyprian Nicholls

Mr William Gendall

Mr William Rowe


Humphry Pascoe Esq Treganhoe

John Toman Esq Chiverton


Moved by Mr Richard Permewan Sen and seconded by Humphry Pascoe Esq that notice be given of a Vestry to be held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 5th day of April next at 6 o’clock in the evening for the purpose of considering the propriety of reducing the rateable value of all tenements in this Parish, in consequence of the depreciation of prices in the produce of Land.

And also to consider the propriety of rating the Landlords of small tenements from 6£ per year and under, instead of the occupiers.

Resolved that the Assistant Overseers salary be increased one pound and that John Toman’s salary be increased four pounds.

Richard Permewan (Chairman)

Humphry Pascoe

Richard Permewan Jun

John James

Uter Bosence

John Grenfell

Philip Marrack

George Grenfell

Vestry April 5th 1851

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room this day for the purpose of considering the propriety of reducing the rateable value of all lands and tenements in this Parish.

And also to consider the propriety of rating the owners of tenements from 6£ per year and under, instead of the tenants.

Mr Uter Bosence in the Chair.

Resolved, that a quarter part of the present rateable value of all lands and tenements be taken off, and that the owners of small tenements of 6£ per year and under be rated instead of the occupiers thereof.

Uter Bosence Chairman


Easter Monday April 21 1851

At a Public Vestry held at the vestry-room on Monday the 21st day of April 1851, at 5 o’clock in the evening (due Notice of which having been previously given). The undernamed persons were re-elected and chosen Churchwardens for the year ensuing (viz).

Mr Philip Marrack, Vicar’s Churchwarden

Mr Richard Permewan Sen, Parish Churchwarden

The Churchwardens Accounts for the previous year were examined and approved.

Resolved, that the resolution of last Vestry meeting held at the vestry-room on the 5th day of April instant, respecting the taking off a quarter part of the present rateable value of all lands and tenements in this Parish, be rescinded. And that it now be resolved, that all tenements the yearly rateable value of which shall exceed 6£ shall be reduced to three-quarters of their present rateable value, in consequence of the depreciation of prices in the produce of land. But where the rate is exclusively on houses, or in any other case, where the rate is supposed to be sufficiently low, the present rateable value in such cases, shall remain unaltered.

It is not the intention of the Parishioners at present to rate the owners of small tenements instead of the occupiers, because that in so doing they would sustain a considerable loss in the rate.

Humphry Pascoe




April 21st 1851

At a meeting of the Owners of Property in this Parish legally entitled to vote in Person or by proxy, and of the Rate-payers therein, held at the vestry-room in the Parish, on Monday the twenty first day of April 1851, pursuant to Notice of such meeting duly given.

Humphry Pascoe Esq Chairman

It was resolved that this meeting do consent to the Guardians of the Poor of the Penzance Union, applying under the power given in an Act past in the Session held in the first and second year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intitled “An Act to explain and amend an Act of the seventh year of His late Majesty, for extending the period for the repayment of loans made under an Act passed on the 4th and 5th years of His said late Majesty, for the amendment and better Administration of the Laws relating to the Poor in England and Wales” the sum of three hundred and seventy three pounds, and four shillings being the produce of the sale of certain premises described as follows: that is to say:

“The interest of the Parish in all that Estate Tenement and Premises called or known by the name of Ennistreven in the Parish of Sancreed comprising three dwelling houses together with a Barn and Outhouses and 13 - 1 - 37 of arable and pasture land and 7 - 0 - 15 of Crofts and Wastrell” belonging to this Parish, and sold under an Order of the Poor Law Board in liquidation of a Debt of fifty pounds owing from the said Parish of Sancreed to Mr Philip Marrack and secured by a note of hand bearing date of the twenty seventh day of March 1846, and in part liquidation of a further debt of three hundred and ninety pounds also owning from the said Parish to the said Philip Marrack and secured by another note of hand bearing the same date and which said several sums were borrowed for the purpose of discharging certain liabilities originally incurred in respect to the purchase by the said Parish of the said premises in such manner

and subject to such Rules, Orders and Regulations as the Poor Law Board shall in that behalf issue.

The above resolution was carried unanimously (by a majority of votes) the votes being as under:-
















For the above Resolution Signatures

No of votes as Owner

No of votes as Rate-payer

Philip Marrack



Uter Bosence



Richard Permewan



Mathew Michell


John Toman


John James


Humphry Trembath


Thomas Hall


William H Bosence


Henry Grenfell



Not any Against the Resolution


Humphry Pascoe


Philip Marrack

} Churchwardens


W V Ellis


H Trembath

} Overseers




April 21st 1851

At a meeting of the Owners of Property in this Parish legally entitled to vote in Person or by proxy, and of the Rate-payers therein, held at the vestry-room in the said Parish, on Monday the twenty first day of April 1851, pursuant to Notice of such meeting duly given.

Humphry Pascoe Esq Chairman

It was resolved that this meeting do consent to the Poor Law Board issuing an order under their Hand and Seal, directing the Overseers of the Poor of the Parish under the power given by the several statutes in this behalf to pay out of the Poor Rates of the said Parish by two equal half-yearly instalments the following debt, that is to say: the sum of sixty six pounds and sixteen shillings being the Balance of a Debt of three hundred and ninety pounds to Philip Marrack and secured by a promissory note bearing date the twenty seventh day of March 1846.

For the above Resolution


No of votes as Owner

No of votes as Rate-payer

Philip Marrack



Uter Bosence



Richard Permewan



Mathew Michell


John Toman


John James


Humphry Trembath


Thomas Hall


William H Bosence


Henry Grenfell



Not any against the Resolution


Humphry Pascoe


Philip Marrack


} Churchwardens

W V Ellis


H Trembath

} Overseers



Vestry June 7th 1851

At a Vestry held this day the Waywarden’s monthly accounts were seen and allowed, and the carting of the materials for the repairs of the Highways for the year was Let to the undermentioned persons as follows (viz).

To Mr Thomas Harvey 300 loads more or less from Gear Brane to the North Road at 4d per load per mile.

To Mr Thomas Harvey 50 loads more or less from Enestreven to the North Road, at 4d per load per mile.

To Mr Richard Harvey 150 loads more or less, from Balliswidden to the North Road at 3½ d per load per mile.

To Mr Richard Harvey 150 loads more or less, from Wheal Carne, or Spearne Moor to the North Road at 3¾ d per load per mile.

To Mr Richard Permewan Jun 50 loads more or less from Gear Brane to the South Road at 4½ d per load per mile.

Uter Bosence (Chairman)


Vestry July 5th 1851

At a Vestry held at the vestry room on Saturday the 5th day of July 1851, for the purpose of making a Church-rate, for and towards the Repairs of the Church, and also for defraying necessary expenses of conducting Divine Worship therein.

An estimate of the expenditure for the current year was then produced by the Churchwardens and read by the Chairman to the rate-payers assembled in vestry. After which a rate of 2 pence in the pound was proposed, seconded and carried unanimously.

Uter Bosence (Chairman)

Thomas Harvey

Mark x

of William Rowe

Mark x

of Mathew Mitchell

John Toman


Vestry February 14th 1852

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 14th day of February 1852 for the purpose of making out a list of six persons residing within the Parish who are liable and qualified to serve as Constables for the year ensuing. The following persons were then nominated. viz.

James Trembath


Salary 15/- per year

John Ladner


Salary 15/- per year

James Quick


James Oats Jun


James North


John Bosence


Philip Marrack



Annual Vestry

Reverend J M Collyns in the Chair

At the Annual Vestry held at the vestry room on Saturday the 27th day of March 1852 at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the Waywardens’ accounts were seen and allowed, and the following persons nominated Overseers of the Poor, Surveyors of the Highways and Assessors of Taxes for the year ensuing, viz.



Thomas Trembath

John Penrose

John Rowe

William Nicholas

Richard Harvey

James Oats

Surveyors of the Highways

Benjamin Rowe


John James


John Toman (Special)



John Eddy

Samuel Ivey

Richard Harvey

Thomas Harvey

Cyprian Nicholls

William Gendall

William Rowe

Thomas Grose


Resolved that notice be given for a Vestry on Easter Monday at 4 o’clock in the afternoon to examine the Churchwardens’ accounts and also for appointing new Churchwardens for the year ensuing.

It is proposed also to take into consideration the present rateable value of small tenements at the same time.

John M Collyns Chairman

Philip Marrack

Uter Bosence

Humphry Pascoe

Richard Permewan Jun

Humphry Trembath

Bernard Victor

Richard Permewan

John Toman

Thomas Harvey

William Bray

Henry Sampson

Benjamin Rowe

Thomas Grose

Mathew Mitchel

Easter Monday April 12th 1852

At a Public Vestry held at the vestry-room on Monday the 12th day of April 1852 at 4 o’clock in the afternoon (due notice of which having been previously given). The undermentioned persons were elected and chosen as Churchwardens for the year ensuing (viz).

Mr Richard Permewan

Vicar’s Churchwarden

Mr William V Ellis

Parish Churchwarden


The Churchwardens accounts were seen and allowed.

Resolved that a committee be chosen to examine the rateable value of all those houses and land which have not been already reduced and that the following persons be in the committee (viz)

Mr Philip Marrack


Mr Richard Permewan

} Churchwardens

Mr John Penrose


Mr Thomas Trembath

} Overseers

Mr Richard Permewan Jun

Mr William V Ellis

Mr Humphry Trembath

Mr Uter Bosence

John M Collyns Chairman

Vestry July 3rd 1852

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on the 4th day of June 1853, due notice of which having been previously given, the Waywardens’ monthly accounts were seen and allowed, the carting of the materials for the Repairs of the Highways of this Parish for the present year was Let and a Church Rate of 2 in the pound was proposed, seconded and carried unanimously.

The Churchwardens at the same time producing an estimate of the expenditure for the necessary repairs of the Church and also for conducting Divine Service therein.

The carting was Let as follows (viz).

To Mr Richard Permewan Sen 40 loads more or less from Gear Brane to the Landsend Road at 4¼ d per load per mile.

To Mr Thomas Harvey 100 loads more or less from Gear Brane to the North Road at 4d per load per mile.

To Mr Richard Permewan Sen 50 loads more or less, from Enestreven to Trig Wheel Hill at 4d per load per mile.

To Mr Permewan Sen 100 loads more or less, from Balliswidden to North Road at 3¾d per load per mile.

To Mr Thomas Harvey 100 loads more or less from Wheel Carne or elsewhere to North Road at 4d per load per mile.

Philip Marrack


Uter Bosence

Cyprian Nicholls

John James

Thomas Hall

Thomas Harvey

John Daniels



Vestry February 26th 1853

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 26th day of February 1853, for the purpose of making out a list of 8 persons residing within the Parish, who are liable and qualified to serve as Constables for the year ensuing. The following persons were then nominated. viz.

John Ladner


15/- per year

William Quick


15 /-per year

Thomas Quick


John Hall


John Chapple


Matthew Newton


James North


John Bosence



Resolved that the Annual Meeting be held on Easter Monday the 28th of March next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon.

John M Collyns Chairman


Vestry March 22nd 1853

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Tuesday the 22nd day of March 1853 for the purpose of making out a list of persons to serve as Assessors of Taxes for the year ensuing, the following were then nominated, viz.

John Ellis

Samuel Ivey

Richard Harvey

Thomas Harvey

Cyprian Nicholls

William Gendall

William Rowe

Thomas Grose


Richard Permewan Jun


Easter Monday, March 28th 1853

At the annual vestry held at the vestry-room on Monday the 28th day of March 1853 (being Easter Monday) at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the Waywardens’ accounts were seen and allowed, and the following persons were elected and nominated to serve the several offices of Churchwardens, Overseers of the Poor and Surveyors of the Highways for the year ensuing, viz.


Mr Richard Permewan Sen

Vicar’s Churchwarden

Humphry Pascoe Esq

Parish Churchwarden




Mr Richard Harvey

Mr William Rawlings

Mr John Rowe

Mr James Quick

Mr Francis Cargeege

Mr Matthew Eddy

Mr Benjamin Carvosso Assistant

Surveyors of the Highways

Mr Richard Permewan Jun


Mr Philip Marrack Jun


Mr John Toman (Special)



John M Collyns Chairman

Richard Permewan Jun

Philip Marrack Jun

Philip Marrack


It was then moved by J Scobell Esq and seconded by Samuel Borlase Esq that the special surveyor’s salary be increased to 25£ per year. On a show of hands being demanded the motion was considered carried by a large majority.

John M Collyns


J Scobell

Philip Marrack

Richard Permewan

Joseph Hocking

Francis Cargeege

Henry Grenfell

Richard Permewan Sen

George Toman

Thomas Grose

Thomas Trembath

William Rowe

Henry Sampson

Benjamin Rowe

James Borlase

Humphry Pascoe

Vestry June 4th 1853

At a Vestry held at the Vestry-room on the 4th day of June 1853 (due notice of which having been previously given) the Waywardens’ accounts for the month of May were seen and allowed, and the carting of the materials for the Repairs of the Highways in this Parish for the present year was Let as follows, viz.

Lot 1st

100 loads of stones more or less from Beacon to South Road, to Mr Permewan Jun at 4¼ d per load per mile.

Lot 2nd

50 loads from Gear Brane more or less to the South Road to Mr Permewan Jun at 4¼d per load per mile.

Lot 3rd

100 loads of stones, more or less, from Spearn Moor or else where, to North Road to Mr Thomas Harvey at 4d per load per mile.

Lot 4th

50 loads of stones, more or less, from Wheal Virgin to Deadman’s grave road to Mr Permewan Jun at 4d per load per mile.

Lot 5th

100 loads of stones, more or less, from Balliswedden to North Road, to Mr Permewan Jun at 2¾d per load per mile.

Uter Bosence



Vestry July 2nd 1853

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room this 2nd day of July 1853, for the purpose of making a church-rate to meet the Churchwardens’ estimated expenditure for the necessary repairs of the Church, and for conducting Devine Service therein for the current year, due notice of which having been previously given.

Reverend John M Collyns in the Chair

A rate of 2½ in the Pound was then proposed by Mr Philip Marrack, and seconded by Mr Bosence and carried unanimously.

The Waywardens monthly accounts were seen and allowed at the same time.

John M Collyns


Philip Marrack

Uter Bosence

Vestry February 22nd 1854

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Wednesday the 22nd day of February 1854, for the purpose of making out a List of 8 persons residing within the Parish who are qualified and liable to serve as Constables for the year ensuing. The following persons were then nominated, (viz).

John Ladner


Salary of 15/- per year

William Quick


Salary of 15/- per year

Thomas Quick


John Hall


John Chapple


Matthew Newton


James North


John Bosence



Humphry Pascoe Chairman



Annual Vestry March 28th 1854

At the Annual Vestry held at the vestry-room on Tuesday the 28th day of March 1854, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the Waywardens’ accounts were seen and allowed, and the following persons nominated Overseers of the Poor, Surveyors of the Highways and Assessors of Taxes for the year ensuing, viz.




Mr John Rowe

Mr Matthew Eddy

Mr John Dennis

Mr William Waters

Mrs Cargeege

Mr Thomas Boase

Benjamin Carvosso Assistant

Surveyors of the Highways



Mr Humphry Pascoe


Mr Richard Permewan Jnr



Assessors of Taxes

Mr John Ellis

Mr Samuel Ivey

Mr Richard Harvey

Mr Thomas Harvey

Mr Cyprian Nicholls

Mr William Gendall

Mr William Rowe

Mr Thomas Grose


John M Collyns Chairman


Vestry April 17th 1854

At a Public Vestry held at the vestry-room on Monday the 17th day of April 1854 at 6 o’clock in the afternoon (due notice of which having been previously given) for the purpose of electing Churchwardens for the year ensuing. The two gentlemen who filled the office of Churchwardens last year were then proposed, seconded and re-elected without a dissenting voice.

Mr Humphry Pascoe, for the Minister

Mr Richard Permewan Sen, for the Parish

John N Collyns, Chairman

Philip Marrack

John Toman

John Grenfell

Joseph Steer

Vestry June 17th 1854

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on the 17th day of June 1854, due notice of which having been previously given, the Waywardens accounts for the month of May were seen and allowed. The carting of Materials for the Repairs of the Highways in this Parish for the present year was Let; and a church rate of 2½ in the Pound to meet the current expenses of the year was allowed by the Ratepayers assembled in Vestry without a division.

The said rate of 2½ in the Pound was proposed by Mr Richard Permewan Jun, seconded by Mr P Marrack and carried unanimously.

Lot 1st

100 loads of stones more or less from Enestreven to Drift and Catchall, were Let to Mr Permewan Sen at the rate of 3½d per load per mile.

Lot 2nd

50 loads of stone more or less from the Geers to the Beacon Road, were Let to Mr Richard Harvey at the rate of 4d per load per mile.

Lot 3rd

50 loads more or less, from Enestreven to Deadman’s Grave Road, were Let to Mr John Ellis at the rate of 4d per load per mile.

Lot 4th

100 loads more or less, from Balliswidden to the North Road, were Let to Mr Richard Permewan Jun, after the rate of 3½ ½ farthing per load per mile.

Lot 5th

200 loads more or less, from Castle Horneck to the North Road, were Let to Mr John Toman after the rate of 4½ d per load per mile.

Lot 6th

100 loads more or less from Boscaswell or else-where to Dry Carn Road, were Let to Mr Thomas Harvey after the rate of 5d per load per mile.

Philip Marrack



Vestry March 3rd 1855

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 3rd day of March 1855, for the purpose of making out a List of 8 persons residing within the Parish, who are qualified and liable to serve as Constables for the year ensuing. The following persons were then nominated, (viz).



Place of Abode

Calling or Business

John Ladner


Carpenter salary 15/-

William Quick


Labourer salary 15/-

John Ivey



James Hosken



John Hall



James North



Matthew Newton



John Bosence





Resolved that the Annual Vestry be held on Friday the 30th of March instant at 11 o’clock in the forenoon.

John M Collyns Chairman


Annual Vestry March 30th 1855

At the Annual Vestry held at the vestry-room on Friday the 30th day of March 1855, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the Waywardens’ accounts were seen and allowed, and the following persons were nominated Overseers of the Poor, Surveyors of the Highways and Assessors of Taxes for the year ensuing, viz.




Mr Uter Bosence

Mr Philip Marrack

Mr John Dennis

Mr William Olds

Mr Joseph Hocking

Mr Thomas Boase

Benjamin Carvosso Assistant Overseer

Surveyors of the Highways



Mr Richard Permewan Jnr


Mr William Veale Ellis


Mr John Toman Special Surveyor at a Salary of 25£


Assessors of Taxes

Mr John Ellis

Mr Samuel Ivey

Mr Richard Harvey

Mr Thomas Harvey

Mr Cyprian Nicholls

Mr William Gendall

Mr William Rowe

Mr Abraham George


Resolved that the Vestry for examining the Churchwardens Accounts and for appointing new Churchwardens, be held on Easter Monday at 6½ o’clock in the evening.

John M Collyns Chairman


Vestry April 9th 1855

At a Public Vestry held at the vestry-room on Easter Monday the 9th day of April 1855 at 6½ o’clock in the evening (due notice of which having been previously given) for the purpose of electing Churchwardens for the year ensuing. The two gentlemen who filled the office of Churchwardens last year were re-elected without a division, viz.

Mr Richard Permewan Sen, for the Vicar

Mr Humphry Pascoe, for the Parish

The Churchwardens’ disbursements for the last year have been examined and approved by us.

John M Collyns Chairman

Vestry April 21st 1855

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 21st day of April 1855 due notice of which having been previously given, the carting of the materials for the repairs of the Highways of this Parish for the present year, was Let in Lots to the undermentioned persons as follows (viz).

Lot 1st

Mr Richard Permewan Jun 300 loads more or less from Castle Horneck to North Road at 4½d per load per mile.

Lot 2nd

Mr Richard Permewan Jun, 300 loads more or less from Balliswidden to North Road, at 4d per load per mile.

Lot 3rd

Mr Richard Permewan Jun 100 loads more or less, from Boscaswell to Dry Carn at 5d per load per mile.

Lot 4th

Mr Richard Permewan Jun 100 loads more or less, from Geer Brane to Landsend Road at 4¼ per load per mile.

Lot 5th


August 4th 1855

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 4th day of August 1855 for the purpose of making a church-rate, due notice of which having been previously given. A rate of 2½ in the Pound was then proposed by Mr Philip Marrack seconded by Mr John Toman, and carried unanimously.

Philip Marrack

John Toman

Vestry February 16th 1856

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 16th day of February 1856, for the purpose of making out a list of 8 persons residing within the Parish, who are qualified and liable to serve as Constables for the year 1856.

The following persons were then named


Place of Abode

Calling or Business

John Ladner


Carpenter, Salary 15/-

John Ivey


Farmer, Salary 15/-

James North



Matthew Newton



James Hosken



William Chapple



Gabriel Hosken



James Simons




All objections to the foregoing list will be heard by the justices in Special Petty Sessions assembled at the Guildhall in the Borough of Penzance on Thursday the 20th day of March next at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

Annual meeting to be held on Easter Tuesday at 11 o’clock in the forenoon.

Phillip Marrack



Annual Vestry March 25th 1856

At the Annual Vestry held at the vestry-room on Tuesday the 25th day of March 1856, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the Waywardens’ accounts were seen and allowed, and the following persons were nominated to serve the office of Churchwardens, Overseers of the Poor, Surveyors of the Highways and Assessors of Taxes for the year ensuing.


Mr Richard Permewan Sen for the Vicar

Mr Humphry Pascoe for the Parish





Mr John Dennis

Mr Thomas Boase

Mr Cyprian Nicholls

Mr Thomas Hall

Mr Thomas Harvey

Mr William Olds

Benjamin Carvosso Assistant

Surveyors of the Highways

Mr Humphry Trembath

Higher Drift

Mr William Bray

Little Sellan

Mr John Toman Special Surveyor

Assessors of Taxes

Mr John Ellis

Mr Samuel Ivey

Mr Richard Harvey

Mr Thomas Harvey

Mr Cyprian Nicholls

Mr William Gendall

Mr William Rowe

Mr Abraham George


John M Collyns Chairman






Vestry June 18th 1856

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 18th day of June 1856 (due notice of which having been previously given) the carting of the materials for the repairs of the Highways of the Parish for the present year was due to be put out to tender.


Due notice for holding this vestry was given by the Assistant Surveyor but the other surveyors raised an objection to the Legality of the said Notice given and after discussion by the parties assembled on the (unclear) and demerils of the case that the vestry was put off for an indefinite period of time.


June 28th 1856

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 28th day of June 1856, for the purpose of making a church rate to meet the current expenses of the year; due notice of which having been previously given. A rate of 2d in the Pound was then proposed by Mr Uter Boscence seconded by Mr Philip Marrack, and carried unanimously.

John M Collyns


Uter Boscence

Philip Marrack

Richard Permewan Jun





To be let in lots by sealed tender. The carting of the materials for the Repairs of the Highways in the Parish of Sancreed for the present year, viz.

Lot 1st

100 cubic yards of stone (more or less) from Lesingey in the Parish of Madron, to the foot of Trig-the-Wheel Hill in Sancreed.

Lot 2nd

300 cubic yards of stone (more or less) from Balliswidden, to the North Road.

Lot 3rd

100 cubic yards of stone (more or less) from Boscaswell to Dry Carn.

Lot 4th

100 cubic yards of stone (more or less) from Geer Brane to Churchtown and Landsend Roads.

Lot 5th

For a one horse cart and man, stating the lowest price per day for carting spalled stones on the Highways, when required by the Assistant Surveyor. For further particulars apply to the Assistant Surveyor.

Tenders stating the lowest price per cubic yard per mile, must be delivered to the Surveyors, on or before the 10th day of July next ensuing. Soon after which the Person or Persons whose tender or tenders may be accepted will be approved thereof.


William Bray


H Trembath

} Surveyors

Jno Toman



June 24th 1856

Turn Over

Only two tenders were delivered, that of Thomas Harvey, John Dennis and John Rowe was accepted at the following rates per cubic yard per mile. (viz).

From Lesingey to Trig-the-Wheel Hill


From Balliswidden to North Road


From Boscaswell to Dry Carn


From Geer-Brane to Churchtown


A one horse cart at 4s 6d per day


We hereby agree to perform all the work specified in the copy of the notice on the other side, when required so to do by the Surveyors, or forfeit the sum of ONE POUND of English money for every wilful neglect.

And we further agree that every man employed on the work shall fill his own cart, with the exception of the one-horse cart. When the Surveyors wish to have any part of this work performed three days notice must be given.


Vestry February 21st 1857

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 21st day of February 1857, for the purpose of making out a List of 6 persons residing within the Parish, who are qualified and liable to serve as Constables for the year 1857,8.

The following persons were then named


Place of Abode

Calling or Business

John Ladner


Carpenter, Salary 15/-

John Ivey


Farmer, Salary 15/-

James North



William Chapple



James Hosken



James Semons





All objections to the foregoing list will be heard by the justices in Special Petty Sessions assembled at the Guildhall in the Borough of Penzance on Thursday the 19th day of March next at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

John M Collyns, Chairman

March 17th 1857

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Tuesday the 17th of March instant, at 6 o’clock in the evening to make out a List of not less than 8 Persons; out of which two will be appointed to serve as Assessors of Taxes for the year ensuing by the Magistrates assembled at the Guildhall in the Borough of Penzance on the 19th instant at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

Mr Richard Permewan Jun

Mr Samuel Ivey

Mr Richard Harvey

Mr Thomas Harvey

Mr Cyprian Nicholls

Mr William Gendall

Mr William Rowe

Mr Abraham George


John M Collyns Chairman



Annual Vestry March 27th 1857

At the Annual Vestry held at the vestry-room on Friday the 27th day of March 1857, at 11½ o’clock in the forenoon, the Waywardens’ accounts were seen and allowed, and the following persons nominated to serve the office of Overseers of the Poor and Surveyors of the Highways for the year ensuing. viz.




Mr Cyprian Nicholls

Mr William Olds

Mr Thomas Harvey

Mr Thomas Hall

Mr Thomas Grose

Mr Thomas Hicks


Benjamin Carvosso Assistant Overseer

Surveyors of the Highways


Place of Abode

Mr Philip Marrack


Mr Uter Bosence


Mr John Toman (Assistant)




John M Collyns Chairman


April 15th 1857

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Wednesday the 15th day of April 1857 at 6 o’clock in the evening (due not of which having been previously given) for the purpose of Electing Churchwardens for the year ensuing and for examining the present Churchwardens accounts.

The old Churchwardens were again re-elected, viz.

Mr Richard Permewan Sen for the Vicar

Mr Humphry Pascoe for the Parish

John M Collyns Chairman




To be Let in Lots by sealed Tender. The carting of the materials for the Repairs of the Highways in the Parish of Sancreed for the present year, viz.

Lot 1st

250 cubic yards of stone (more or less) from Rosingey and Castle Horneck to the North Road in Sancreed.

Lot 2nd

50 cubic yards of stone (more or less) from Balliswidden, to the North Road.

Lot 3rd

50 cubic yards of stone (more or less) from Boscaswell to Dry Carne.

Lot 4th

50 cubic yards of stone (more or less) from Geer Brane to Churchtown and Landsend Roads.

Lot 5th

For a one horse cart and man, stating the lowest price per day for carting materials from one part of the Highways to another, when required so to do by the Assistant Surveyor.

Tenders stating the lowest price per cubic yard per mile, must be delivered to the Surveyors, on or before the 13th day of June next ensuing. Soon after which the Person or Persons whose Tender or Tenders may be accepted will be approved thereof.


Philip Marrack


Uter Bosence

} Surveyors

John Toman



May 16th 1857

Only two tenders were delivered, that of William Rowe of Trevean was accepted at the following prices per cubic yard per mile. (viz).

4 pence per cubic yard per mile for all the materials that may be wanted in the Repairs of the Highways of the said Parish of Sancreed for the present year and for a cart and man at the rate of 4s 6d per day.

We the Waywardens do hereby agree in behalf of the Parish to pay the said William Rowe the price stated above.

Philip Marrack


Uter Boscence

} Surveyors

John Toman


I William Rowe do hereby agree to perform all the cartage of the materials for the Repairs of the Highways at the price stated above; and for every wilful neglect to forfeit the sum of one pound of English money .

The mark c of William Rowe


B Carvosso

September 5th 1857

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 5th day of September 1857, for the purpose of making a Church-rate to meet the current expenses of the year, due notice of which having been previously given.

A rate of 2d in the pound was then proposed by Mr Bosence, seconded by Mr Veal Ellis and carried unanimously.


Vestry February 27th 1858

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 27th day of February 1858, for the purpose of making out a List of 6 persons residing within the Parish, who are qualified and liable to serve as Constables for the year 1858,9.

The following persons were then named


Place of Abode

Calling or Business

John Ladner



John Ivey



James North



Joseph Roberts



James Hosken



James Semons





All objections to the foregoing list will be heard by the Justices in Special Petty Sessions assembled at the Guildhall in the Borough of Penzance in the said County on Thursday the 25th day of March next at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

Uter Boscence


Resolved that the Parish meeting be held on Easter Monday at 11 o’clock in the forenoon.

March 20th 1858

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 20th day of March instant, at 6½ o’clock in the evening to make out a List of not less than Eight Persons; out of which number two will be appointed to serve as Assessors of Taxes for the year ensuing.

Mr Richard Permewan Jun

Mr Samuel Ivey

Mr Richard Harvey

Mr Thomas Harvey

Mr Cyprian Nicholls

Mr William Rowe

Mr Abraham George

Mr William Gendall


Philip Marrack Chairman


Annual Vestry April 5th 1858

At the Annual Vestry held at the vestry-room on Easter Monday the 5th day of April 1858, at 12 o’clock at noon, the Waywardens’ accounts were seen and allowed, and the following persons were nominated to serve the office of Churchwardens, Overseers of the Poor and Surveyors of the Highways for the year ensuing, viz.


Mr Humphry Pascoe for the Vicar

Mr Richard Permewan for the Parish





Matthew Newton

James Olds

William Matthews

Thomas Hall

William Gendall

Thomas Hicks

Benjamin Carvosso Assistant Overseer

Surveyors of the Highways

Mr James Quick


Mr Thomas Grose


John Toman Chiverton Assistant Surveyor

Resolved that William Rowe do pay the difference between the price for which he took the carting of the materials, and the price for which Thomas Harvey took the carting of the same materials.

John M Collyns Chairman

Vestry June 5th 1858

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 5th day of June 1858, due notice of which having been previously given.

The carting of the Materials for the Repairs of the Highways of this Parish for the present year was Let in Lots to the undernamed persons as follows (viz)

Lot 1st

200 loads from Castle Horneck (more or less) to the North Road was Let to Mr Thomas Harvey at 5d per yard per mile.

Lot 2nd

100 loads from Boscaswell (more or less) to Dry Carn, was Let to Mr Thomas Harvey at 5d per yard per mile.

Lot 3rd

200 loads from Balliswidden (more or less) to the North Road, was Let to Mr John Dennis at 4d per yard per mile.

Lot 4th

50 loads from Brane (more or less) to the Landsend Road, was Let to Mr (blank)



Vestry October 2nd 1858

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 2nd day of October 1858, for the purpose of examining the Waywardens monthly accounts, and also for making a Church-rate.

The Waywardens accounts were seen and allowed. A Church-rate of 2d in the Pound was then proposed by Mr Marrack, seconded by Mr Grose and carried unanimously.

John M Collyns


Philip Marrack

Samuel Ivey

The following is a copy of a letter sent by John Scobell Esq of Nancealverne to the Reverend John M Collyns, Vicar of Sancreed, presenting to him at the same time an Harmonium for the use of the Parish Church at Sancreed.

Nancealverne December 3rd 1858

Mr dear Mr Collyns,

The Harmonium which the Bearer will deliver to you, I will thank you and your successors to take the charge and direction of for the use of Sancreed Church and I request you will make my kind regards to the Parishioners, who, I beg will accept of it from their much attached Parishioner.

John Scobell

Rev J M Collyns

Vicar of Sancreed


At a meeting of the Parishioners of the Parish of Sancreed held at the vestry-room on the 11th day of December 1858. A letter from Colonel Scobell to the Vicar presenting an Harmonium for the use of the Parish Church having been read. It was resolved 1st that the best thanks of this meeting be given to Col Scobell for his very handsome present. At the same time this meeting beg to acknowledge his uniformly kind attention to the wishes and interest of the Parish.

2nd that Col Scobell’s letter be inserted in the Parish Book.



Vestry February 19th 1859

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 19th day of February 1859, for the purpose of making out a list of 6 persons residing within the Parish of Sancreed, who are qualified and liable to serve as Constables for the year 1859,60.

The following persons were then named


Place of Abode

Calling or Business

John Ladner



John Ivey



James North



Joseph Roberts



James Hosken



James Semons





All objections to the foregoing list will be heard by the Justices in Special Petty Sessions assembled at the Guildhall in the Borough of Penzance in the said County on Thursday the 24th day of March next, at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

Richard Permewan



March 23rd 1859

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Wednesday the 23rd day of March instant, at

6 o’clock in the evening, to make out a List of not less than Eight Persons out of which number two will be appointed to serve as Assessors of Taxes for the year ensuing.

Uter Bosence

Mr Samuel Ivey

Mr Richard Harvey

Mr Thomas Harvey

Mr Cyprian Nicholls

Mr William Rowe

Mr Abraham George

Mr William Gendall

Philip Marrack



Annual Vestry March 28th 1859

At the Annual Vestry held at the vestry-room on the 28th day of March 1859, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the Waywardens’ accounts were seen and allowed, and the following persons were nominated to serve the office of Overseers of the Poor and Surveyors of the Highways for the year ensuing, viz.




Thomas Harvey

Samuel Chirgwin

William Matthews

Thomas Hall

William Gendall

William Rowe

Benjamin Carvosso Assistant Overseer

Surveyors of the Highways

Mr Humphry Pascoe


Mr Uter Bosence


Mr Samuel Ivey of Bodinner as Special Surveyor at a Salary of 25£ per year.

John M Collyns Chairman

Philip Marrack

Uter Bosence

Bernard Victor

Richard Permewan

Thomas Bennetts

James Quick

Gabriel Hosken

Humphry Pascoe

Vestry April 25th 1859

At a Public Vestry held at the vestry-room on Easter Monday the 25th day of April 1859, at 6 o’clock in the evening (due notice of which having been previously given) for the purpose of Electing Churchwardens for the year ensuing.

The following persons were then elected, viz:

Mr Humphry Pascoe for the Vicar

Mr Richard Permewan for the Parish

The Churchwardens’ disbursements for the last year, have been examined and approved by us.

John M Collyns Chairman


Vestry December 3rd 1859

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 3rd day of December 1859, for the purpose of examining the Waywardens’ monthly accounts and also for making a Church-Rate.

The Waywardens’ accounts were seen and allowed. And a Church-rate of 2d in the Pound was then proposed by Mr Bosence, seconded by Mr Marrack and carried unanimously.

John M Collyns


Uter Bosence

Philip Marrack

Samuel Ivey

Vestry March 3rd 1860

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 3rd day of March 1860, for the purpose of making out a list of 8 persons residing within the Parish of Sancreed, who are qualified and liable to serve as Constables for the year 1860,61.

The following persons were then named


Place of Abode

Calling or Business

James Semons



Joseph Roberts



James North



William Harry



James Hosken



William Hall



William Steer



John James





All objections to the foregoing list will be heard by the Justices in Special Petty Sessions assembled at the Guildhall in Penzance, on Thursday the 29th day of March instant, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

P Marrack Jun




Vestry March 24th 1860

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room in Saturday the 24th day of March instant, the following persons were nominated to serve as Assessors of Taxes for the year ensuing (viz).

Assessors of Taxes

John Bosence

Samuel Ivey

Richard Harvey

Thomas Harvey

Cyprian Nicholls

William Rowe

Abraham George

William Gendall


Uter Bosence (Chairman)



Annual Vestry March 30th 1860

At the Annual Vestry held at the vestry-room on the 30th day of March 1860, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the Waywardens’ accounts were seen and allowed, and the following persons were nominated to serve the office of Overseers of the Poor and Surveyors of the Highways for the year ensuing, (viz).




William Matthews

Stephen Vingoe

William Gendall

Richard Waters

William Chapple

Gabriel Hosken

Benjamin Carvosso Assistant Overseer

Surveyors of the Highways

Mr Humphry Pascoe


Mr William V Ellis

Little Sellan

Mr Samuel Ivey of Bodinner as Special Surveyor at a Salary of 25£ per year.

John M Collyns Chairman

Philip Marrack

James Quick

William Bray

Simon Hocking

Vestry April 9th 1860

At a Public Vestry held at the vestry-room on Easter Monday the 9th day of April 1860, at 6 o’clock in the evening (due notice of which having been previously given) for the purpose of Electing Churchwardens for the year ensuing.

The following persons were then elected, viz:

Humphry Pascoe Esq

for the Vicar

Mr Uter Bosence

for the Parish

The Churchwardens’ disbursements for the last year have been examined and approved.

John M Collyns Chairman



Vestry February 23rd 1861

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 23rd day of February 1861, for the purpose of making out a list of 8 persons residing within the Parish of Sancreed who are qualified and liable to serve as Constables for the year 1861.

The following persons were



Vestry June 9th 1860

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 9th day of June 1860, due notice of which having been previously given.

The carting of the Materials for the Repairs of the Highways of this Parish for the present year was Let in Lots, to the undernamed persons, as follows (viz).

Lot 1st

From Balliswidden to Pengelly’s

50 loads more or less

Thomas Harvey


to Jericho Corner

50 loads more or less

Thomas Harvey


to the top of Tregerest Hill

50 loads more or less

Thomas Harvey


to the top of Tregerest Hill

50 loads more or less

Thomas Harvey


to the top of Drycarn Hill

50 loads more or less

Thomas Harvey



Lot 2nd

From Lesingey to N.Bridge & Cyp Gate

50 loads more or less

Thomas Harvey

1/ 8d

to the top of Trig the Wheel Hill HillJericho Corner

50 loads more or less

Thomas Harvey

1/ 9d

to Bodinner Lane

50 loads more or less

Thomas Harvey

1 /9½ d


Lot 3rd

From Trevean to the end of Drift Lane

50 loads more or less

William Rowe

1/3½ d

on to Catchall

50 loads more or less

William Rowe



Lot 4th

From Geer Brane to Polmergy

50 loads more or less

Thomas Harvey


on to Catchall

50 loads more or less

Thomas Harvey

1/ 4d


Lot 5th

From Tregerrest to the end of Tregerrest Lane

50 loads more or less

Thomas Harvey

7½ d

one horse cart a day

Thomas Harvey


two horse cart a day

Thomas Harvey





Vestry December 1st 1860

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 1st day of December 1860, for the purpose of examining the Waywardens’ monthly accounts and also for making a Church Rate.

The Waywardens’ accounts were then seen and allowed, and a Church-rate of 2 Pence in the Pound was then proposed by Mr Marrack, seconded by Mr Ivey and carried unanimously.

Philip Marrack Chairman

Samuel Ivey


Vestry February 23rd 1861

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Saturday the 23rd day of February 1861, for the purpose of making out a List of 8 persons residing within the Parish of Sancreed, who are qualified and liable to serve as Constables for the year 1861,62.

The following persons were then named


Place of Abode

Calling or Business

John Ladner



Thomas Eddy



James North



William Harry



James Hosken



William Hall



Thomas Semons



John James





All objections to the foregoing list will heard by the Justices in Special Petty Sessions assembled at the Guildhall in the Borough of Penzance, on Thursday the 21st day of March next, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

Uter Bosence (Chairman)


Vestry March 19th 1861

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on Tuesday the 19th day of March instant, the following persons were nominated to serve as Assessors of Taxes for the year ensuing (viz).

Assessors of Taxes

John Bosence

Samuel Ivey

Richard Harvey

Thomas Harvey

Cyprian Nicholls

William Rowe

Abraham George

William Gendall

Philip Marrack



Annual Vestry March 22nd 1861

At the Annual Vestry held at the vestry-room on the 22nd day of March 1861, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the Waywardens’ accounts were seen and allowed, and the following persons were nominated to serve the office of Overseers of the Poor and Surveyors of the Highways for the year ensuing, (viz).




Simon Hocking

Richard Waters

William Chapple

Gabriel Hosken Jun

William Bray

James Quick

Benjamin Carvosso Assistant Overseer

Surveyors of the Highways

Mr Humphry Pascoe


Mr William Rowe


Mr Samuel Ivey of Bodinner as Special Surveyor at a Salary of 25£ per year.

John M Collyns Chairman

Philip Marrack

Uter Bosence

James Quick


Vestry April 1st 1861

At a Public Vestry held at the vestry-room on Easter Monday the 1st day of April 1861, at 7 o’clock in the evening, for the purpose of examining the present Churchwardens’ accounts and for Electing New Churchwardens for the year ensuing.

The Churchwardens accounts were seen and allowed and the following persons were then Elected as Churchwardens,

Humphry Pascoe Esq

for the Vicar

Mr Uter Bosence

for the Parish

John M Collyns Chairman


Vestry June 15th 1861

The carting of the Materials for the Repairs of the Highways of the Parish of Sancreed for the present year was Let, as follows.

From Balliswidden

50 loads to Pengelly’s corner, or to Jericho more or less



50 loads to Jericho gate or Tregerrest Common



50 loads to Jericho gate or Tregerrest Common



50 loads to Deveral Corner more or less



50 loads to Deveral Corner more or less




From Lesingey

50 to N-Bridge, or to Cyprian’s gate more or less


1/7½ d

50 to Cyprian’s gate, or to Jenkin’s Croft more or less


1/7½ d

50 to Bodinnar Lane, or to Tregerrest Lane more or less


1/8½ d


One horse cart, a day’s work 5/- Two horse cart, a day’s work 7/-



Notice for a Vestry

Notice is hereby given, that a Vestry will be held at the vestry-room on Friday the 25th day of October instant at 4 o’clock in the evening to consider the propriety of having a Turnpike road from Penzance through the Parish of Madron and Sancreed to St Just.

Reverend John M Collyns in the Chair.


that a Committee be formed to confer with the committees of the other two parishes on the subject of St Just Turnpike-road.


Reverend John M Collyns

Mr Humphry Pascoe

Mr Samuel Harvey

Mr Uter Bosence

Mr Henry Nankervis

Mr Thomas Harvey

Mr Philip Marrack


John M Collyns, Chairman



Vestry February 22nd 1862

At a Vestry held at the vestry-room on the 22nd day of February 1862, for the purpose of making a Church Rate, due notice of which having been previously given.

The Reverend John M Collyns in the Chair.

A Church-rate of 1½d in the Pound was then proposed by Mr Nankervis, seconded by Mr S Ivey, and carried unanimously.

John M Collyns, Chairman

Constables List

for the year 1862,3.


Place of Abode

Calling or Business

John Ladner



Michael Pengelly



James North



William Harry




John M Collyns, Chairman

All objections to the foregoing list will heard by the Justices in Special Petty Sessions assembled at the Guildhall in the Borough of Penzance, in the said County on Thursday the twentieth day of March next, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

Transcribed from GSU Film 4092089/1597410

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