This is a transcript done by one person and will, inevitably,
contain errors. Researchers are always advised to consult the original registers. | |
John Stapeton s. of John 29 Mar. 1600 Marie Paule wife of John 18 Apl. William
Wylland s. of Robert 6 May Janet Woulcoke wife of Ames 10 May Elizabeth Richard d. of John 11 May Henry John Davye
30 May James Philip s. of John 1 Sept. Als Rychard 9 Dec. Master John Tryowsen (Trewren) The heare 21 Dec. Margaret
Mychell 30 Dec. James Robart Wellyam 3 Jan. Marie Hugh d. of John 20 Jan. Elizabeth ___ d. of ___ 2 [?]
Jenett Hosken 3 Apl. 1601 John Thomas Thomas 29 Apl. Mary Stableton
d. of John 3 May Mychell Berat base s. of Ezechial 12 May John Lanyn s. of Willyam 15 Sept. John Berat base s. of
Ezechial 17 Sept. Joan Philips wife of John 22 Sept. Thomas Roben s. of John 24 Sept. Jenett Lavine wife of Raffe
14 Oct. James Cosyn s. of James Snr. 15 Nov. Cateryn Rawler d. of Thomas 15 Nov. Elizabeth Eustacke d. of Henry 15
Dec. Christian Cobllen wife of Peeter 22 Feb. John Bosence 26 Feb. Son of William Michell alias Trewren not being
baptised 16 Mar. Son of Thomas Gybbes not being Baptised 17 Mar. ___ Stableton [Parchment rotted] 23 Mar.
Doroylie Robyns wife of John 25 Apl. 1602 Son of George Bossince not
being baptised 25 Apl. Thomas Hoye s. of John 10 Aug Alse Ladn ([?]er) widow 21 Aug Margaret Bossinse widow 12 Oct. Flowrance
Trelyll wife of William 24 Dec.
Mary Alsa d. of John 15 Apl. 1603 John Robert 31 Aug John Robert
alias Tocker 27 Sept. Anne Chergwiden wife of John 24 Oct. Au Edward d. of John 13 Jan. Elsabeth Robert wife of Thomas
16 Oct.
No entries for the year
Elizabeth [?] 20 Jan. 1605
William Simon 28h May 1606 Jone Hoye widow 17 June Mary Jenkinge
_ Oct. Phillippe Tolder 21 Dec. Jane Thomas wife of John 21 Dec. John Pelland s. of Sander 6 Jan.
Elizabeth Baynard wife of Robart 6 May 1607 William Gybbs 3 Aug Reginald
Stowe 27 Sept. Jane Lanyer widow 16 Mar. Edwarde Poade 16 Mar. Jane Trewren widow 21 Mar. Jenye Marten 22 Mar.
John Osborn s. of Henrye 2 Apl. 1608 William Ollyvy s. of Thomas 19
Nov. William Jeffreye s. of Richard 20 Nov. Agnis Ladner d. of Thomas 16 Jan. Richard Harrye 7 Feb.
Thomas Trewren alias Michell 6 Apl. 1609 Thomas Cherwin 20 Apl. William
Hannd 12 June Elizabeth Hosken 30 July
[?] Hoskinge 23 July 1610 John Tracey 4 Dec. Elizabeth Hosken d.
of Richard 4 Dec. Henrye Osborne 3 Feb. Elizabeth Lap_____ wife of Maxamillian 14 Feb. Jone Trewren wife of Thomas
19 Feb. Ralphe Bosins 25 Feb. Marjery Trewren d. of John 1 Mar. William Hosken 9 Mar.
Helen Trewren wife of John 1 Apl. 1611 Richard Baynard s. of John 10
Apl. Thomas Simon s. of Richard 20 May Richard Hosken _ July Jane Daniell wife of Nicholas 23 July Alse Simon
d. of James 20 Oct.
John Robins 7 Apl. 1612 Jone Baynard d. of John 2 Aug Martin Williams
s. of Thomas 25 Oct. Isacke Rowe s. of James 10 Jan.
John Jeffrey s. of John 17 Apl. 1613 John Michell 12 Feb.
Raphe Lanner 29 Apl. 1614 Richard Daniell Who was __ of Sancreed, buried
at 100 years of age 3 May Benet Bosins s. of George 10 June Richard Robert s. of John 26 Aug John Rowe Vellen [?]
1 Sept. Daniell Ladner s. of John 16 Sept. Maude Roberts 19 Sept. John Trewren 20 Oct. James Simon 4 Jan. Robert
Baynard 10 Feb. James Roawe 17 Feb.
Argant Maddern d. of John 16 May 1615 John Rowlen s. of John 17 Oct.
Anne Tucker wife of Richard 2 Apl. 1616 Richard More s. of Alexander
22 June Beaton d. of Richard 28 July John Baynard s. of William 2 Sept. John Olyvie 4 Jan. Thomas Gubbell 20 Oct. Mary
Tucker wife of George 28 Feb. Thomas Simon s. of Pentecost 1 Mar. Phillip Ladner 10 Mar.
Mary Jeffrey d. of Richard 29 Mar. 1617 Jone Edward d. of John 9 Sept. William
Olivye 8 Dec. Sisly Gibbs 29 Dec. Charitie Olyvy d. of Thomas 6 Jan. Mary Harry 10 Jan. Margaret Geary d. of Edward
24 Jan. Annes Moore d. of Alexander 4 Feb.
__ Rogger 26 Mar. 1618 Joan Hosken wife of Henry 10 May Thomas Trewren
s. of Richard 2 Nov. Annes Millard wife of Thomas 16 Jan. Margaret Rowler wife of John 20 Jan. Nacholas Laker 21
Jan. Elizabeth Parbury wife of The Rev. Vicker 10 Feb.
Jane Lanion wife of William 21 Sept. 1619 Walter Olyvye s. of Thomas
& Jane 8 Dec. William Trewren s. of Wiliam & Elizabeth 24 Feb. Elizabeth Trewren wife of William 27 Mar.
Jane Bosence __ Apl. 1620 Margaret Nichols wife of Thomas 10 July Henry
Eustack 13 Aug Jane Thomas wife of Reynold 6 Jan. Paskes Simon d. of Pentacost and Syley 4 Mar. Elizabeth Polglaze
10 Mar.
John Maddern 17 May 1621 Jane Lanion wife of Benett 13 June Annes
Poleand wife of Alexander 20 July Reynold Hosken s. of Henry 26 Aug. Jane Nicholl widow 17 Dec. Walter Simon s. of
Thomas 17 Jan. William Pearse 20 Jan. Richard Rowe 24 Jan. Phillip William 24 Mar.
Gilham Tracey 12 Nov. 1622 Richard Woulcocke 1 Jan. Hugh Millard
18 Jan. John Maddern s. of Marten & Jone 20 Jan. John William wife of Thomas 21 Jan. Richard Glazon 3 Feb.
Sisley Simon wife of Pentacost 21 Oct. 1623 Catherine Harrye 1 Jan. Elenor
Edward d. of William 29 Jan. Alexander Peleane 7 Feb.
Tamzen Trewren wife of James, gent 14 Aug. 1624 Jane Rawler wife of
Thomas 17 Nov. William Lanion 17 Jan. John Chirgwine s. of John 17 Jan. Elizabeth Maddren d. of William 21 Dec.
John Maddren s. of John 30 Nov. 1625 Walter Hosken 20 Feb. Benett
Olyvie s. of John 28 Feb.
Margery Ladner d. of William 13 Apl. 1626 Elizabeth Hugoe d. of john
16 Apl. Margery Gibbs 22 Apl. Mary Baynard wife of Raphe 6 May John Hugh 13 May Mary Knevet 18 May John Harrie
9 Oct. Margerie George 9 Nov. __ Rawler 11 Nov. Jane Trewren 22 Jan. Elizabeth Roberts 28 Feb. Jane Trewren
wife of John 10 Mar.
John Edward 6 Apl. 1627 Sebiel Hosken wife of Henry 14 Sept. Daniel
Nuton 11 Oct. Jane Badcock d. of Richard 14 Dec. Aniery Barpuerd wife of Gabriel 10 Mar.
Jane Trewren wife of Steven 31 Mar. 1628 Elenor Rodda d. of William
4 Apl. Mary Cozen wife of James 14 May Jane Bossence 17 May John Bossence 17 May Robert _ s. of Richard 1 Jan. William
Champion 1 Feb.
Benet Lanion 4 Apl. 1629 William Adam 7 Apl. Thomas Rawlinge 16
Nov. Walter Rawlen s. of Christian 17 Dec. Henry Jeffrey s. of Richard 25 Dec. Henrye Maddren s. of Martyne 20 Jan. Richard
Curbray Vicar of Sancreed 2 Feb. _____ ___hard 15 Mar.
____ter d. of Peter Kempe __ 1630 __ Millard __ Hugh __ 22 July ___
Richard d. of John 22 July ___ Pearse d. of Thomas __ Sept. Alce Williams wife of John __ Sept. ___ Nicholas __ Sept. Daniel
Chergwin s. of Richard 17 Oct. Richard Chirgwin s. of Richard 27 Oct. Ann Chirgwin wife of John 12 Dec. Catherine
__gore Of St Leven 12 Dec. __ Bremble d. of John 14 Dec. Frances Nicholl s. of Richard 15 Dec. Walter Chegwin s.
of Richard 13 Feb.
___ Davye __ May 1631 Marie Roberts d. of John 17 May Margery Hutchens
wife of Walter 4 Dec. Usld Pender wife of Walter 4 Dec. Elizabeth Adam wife of Reginald 9 Dec. Alsa Roskolla wife
of John __ Dec. Joan Badcock d. of Richard ___ Joan Badcock wife of Richard ___
Jane Simmons wife of William 1632 William Mathews s. of Richard __ John
Hosken __ Richard Simon 29 June Cisley Hitchuiges d. of Emanuel 11 Mar. Alse Rawling d. of william 14 Mar. Tamsen
Trelill 16 Mar. Jane Han 17 Mar.
Henrie Rowe 13 Sept. 1633 Alse Davie 16 Sept. Joan Hugh d. of John
13 Dec. Peter Davie s. of John 6 Jan.
Joan Gibbs widow 13 Apl. 1634 Thomas Lavell s. of Thomas 22 Apl. William
Cavie 23 Apl. Annes Eusticke widow 21 Sept. William Hosken s. of John 26 Oct. Humphrey Truggun s. of Thomas &
Wilmot 8 Dec. Richard Trebehai 14 Dec. Christian Roger 30 Dec. Thomas Davy s. of John & Elizabeth 20 Mar. __
Badcock d. of Richard & Johan 15 Mar. __ Ladner s. of Trestram & Emma 20 Dec.
Thomas Nicholas 20 June 1635 __ Simon 24 Oct. __ James 18 [?] Audane
Michell d. of Richard 17 Dec. John Rawlings s. of Ralph 21 Jan. Allice Bossence wife of Sampson 28 Jan. John Maddren
s. of Marten 29 Jan. John Cock s. of William 9 Mar.
Sampson Lawrey s. of Sampson 10 June 1636 John Edwards 24 June Jane
Olivye 25 June Jane George 1 Sept. William Trewren Alias Trewearne 21 Sept. Jone Abraham d. of Tucker 7 Dec. James
Trewren, gent 12 Dec. Humphrey Tregion 30 Dec. Joane Luke 12 Jan.
Marie d. of Ric. Trewen alias Michell 10 Oct. 1637 Frances Orchard
d. of George 19 Sept. John Chirgwin 25 Oct. Ann Lannion wife of John 2 Feb. Marie Badcock d. of Richard 2 Feb. John
Gibs 12 Feb.
Thomas Bossence 7 Apl. 1638 Ann Lannion d. of John 2 Sept. Robert
Tayler 19 Jan. Audrey Ellys wife of Thomas 20 Jan. Henry Hosken 16 Mar.
John Maddren s. of Marten 25 Mar. 1639 Pentacost Chergwin d. of Richard
22 Aug Edward Chergwin s. of Thomas 1 Oct. Anne Sampson d. of Martyn & Marie 25 Oct. Margaret Pearce 19 Dec. Chestian
Maderne 5 Mar. Elizabeth Ladner d. of William & Joane 15 Mar.
Ephraim Skinner 21 Dec. 1640 William Olivy s. of John & Aves 7
Thomas Madderne s. of Martyn Jun. & Mary 27 Apl. 1641 Robert Chergwin
s. of Richard 10 June Richard Olivye s. of John & Aves 25 Sept. John Davy s. of John 9 Jan. Oates reputed Raw
s. of Nicholas of Phillacke 24 Jan.
Grace Tayler d. of William 22 May 1642 Elizabeth Jasper d. of Nicholas
26 June Richard Argoll s. of Thomas 29 June Rebecca Pearse d. of John 30 Sept. John Madderne 5 Aug Ephriam Paule
s. of William 17 Dec. William Hand s. of William 1 Jan. Abraham Victor s. of Abraham 20 Jan. Blanch Tayler d. of
William 28 Feb. Katherine Polglaze 18 Mar. Nicholas [?]Mathew s. of Richard 21 Mar.
James Michell 26 Mar. 1643 John Maderne s. of Martyn 1 June Martyn
Polglaze s. of Margaret 2 Sept. Isacke Chegwin s. of Richard 23 Sept. Elizabeth Crispe d. of John 27 Oct. John Chegwin
Jun. 25 Jan. Christian Rawling widow 7 Mar.
John Ladner s. of Tristram 28 Apl. 1644 Raynuald Adam 16 May William
Adam base s. of Raynuald. & Marie Balls 18 May Alice Daniell widow 6 June Richard Jeffrey 12 June Jane Maddern
d. of Jane a widow 15 Sept. Jane Mathew d. of Richard 18 Nov. Mary Whitefields widow 22 Nov. Pentacost Chappell s.
of David 23 Nov. Gabriel Byuder 15 Jan. Thomasine Madderne d. of Martyne jnr. 22 Jan. Elizabeth Hugh 2 Mar. Martyne
Madderne snr. 5 Mar.
Hugh Lanyon s. of John 13 June 1645 __ Chergwin s. of Richard 14 June Thomas
Pearse 15 June Margaret Madderne 13 July Margaret Edwards widow 27 Nov. Thomas Williams 13 June Joane Thomas d.
of Ric 31 Jan.
Richard Ladner 11 Apl. 1646 Dorcus Sampson 13 Apl. Phillip Lanyon
d. of John 21 May Jone Jasper d. of Nicholas 28 June Thomasin Trewren 22 July Uter Favell 29 July
Catherine Rodda d. of William 7 May 1647 Thomas Samson 9 May Elizabeth
Ames 9 May Jane Tregion 23 June Nicholas Skinner 8 July
Margarie Richards 24 July 1648
Ronalld Bosence 23 Dec. 1649